Apparently Dolphins Give Gifts To Potential Mates, Destroying Us At Dating

Because dolphins are clearly better than us in pretty much every way, they’ve even begun to one-up us humans in the dating world.

Scientists and researchers from the University of Western Australia have been following the courting habits of the humpback dolphin for a while now, and have noticed an interesting technique the male dolphins use to impress a female dolphin when in the early days of mating season.

The male dolphins don’t show up empty-handed. They bring a gift to the dolphin they’re trying to court, the suave bastards.

From the first-ever footage of this power move, the dolphin is seen to approach the one they fancy with a piece of marine sponge on his beak, and push it toward the female dolphin in an act of gifting a present to her to curry favour for him to be her mate for the season. Apparently, she ignored him.

Excuse me, this is incredibly wholesome and I’ll be damned if any dude has ever done anything that nice for me.

If there’s one thing that we can learn from the dolphins, it’s that we clearly need to up our dating game, else we get continually upstaged by these aquatic Casanovas.