Melania Trump Just Wore A Green Screen Dress So Today’s Photoshop Challenge Is Sorted

More than 180,000 Americans have died due to coronavirus, endless police violence has forced a brutal reckoning with racial injustice, and the man who’s overseen it all, US President Donald Trump, was just confirmed as the Republican Party’s contender for the 2020 election.

Not a great situation, all told. At least Americans can still shitpost.

Photoshop-proficient critics of the Trump Administration have seized on imagery from today’s White House acceptance speech, and the fact that his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, accompanied him while wearing a makeshift green screen.

Footage of the couple shows Melania in a distinctive lime green gown, which happens to make video editing a simple select-and-delete process. Now, Twitter users have replaced the dress with… Just about anything, really.

Consider this edit, which shows Melania as a billboard for the nation’s COVID-19 death toll:

How about this version, which imagines her dress as the virus itself?

The dress has even manifested in GIF form, with one user popping the global death tally on there for good measure:

Bigtime media organisations are in on the action, too. Cop this effort from Obama holdouts Pod Save America, who decided to superimpose imagery from Melania’s very public negging of her husband:

The Daily Show took a different approach, instead reminding folks that yes, Donald Trump did hang out with convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein:

Does this kind of smart alec bullshit change anything? No. Will rusted-on Trump supporters change their votes based on this brand of post? Absolutely not.

But, for a select few people who see politics as nothing more than a series of moving images, Melania’s dress has provided the yuks at a truly dogshit point in American history.