Your Facebook News Feed Could Be Nothin’ But Video In The Next 5 Years

Wondering what your Facebook feed might look like in five years? Apart from ‘still full of deadshits you knew in high school’, turns out the answer is a helluva lot more video.

Nicola Mendelsohn, vice president for Facebook in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, spoke at Fortune‘s Most Powerful Women International Summit in London, where she laid out her prediction for the next five years of Facey – and she’s putting her money on it being all about video.
“If I was having a bet,” she said, “it’d be video, video, video.” Turns out Facebook’s video platform, as well as its newly released Facebook Live livestreaming service are growing exponentially faster than they expected. Hey, we at PEDESTRIAN.TV have been doing more of it because the engagement is so good.

“The best way to tell stories in this world— where so much information is coming at us—actually is video,” Mendelsohn continued. “It commands so much information in a much quicker period so actually the trend helps us digest more of the information in a quicker way.”

So there’s a reason you’re always seeing videos on your feed. Like skateboarding injury vids with CLICK LIKE all over it that inexplicably have 200 trillion views. Because that’s the future of Facebook – vids, vids, vids.
It’ll be interesting to see where they go with it. Will they separate the video service, like YouTube? Maybe they’ll make an app for pure video to accompany their regular app. One thing is for sure: you’re gonna be seeing a lot more video, either way.
Source: Fortune.
Photo: Getty Images / David Ramos.