WOAH: Video Of An E-Cigarette Exploding In A Dude’s Pocket Is Scary AF


Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, and so it’s understandable that people try to make the transition by vaping. Or some people smoke weed with ’em. Either or; it’s your choice, do what you wanna do. 
But it’s hard to see the positives of vaping after seeing this footage, because it is SCARY AS HELL. 
CCTV footage shows Josh Hamilton walking in to a servo, and then BAM. The leg of his jeans goes up in flames, but not before the e-cig makes an explosive ball of actual fire right next to the bloke’s leg. He runs out while people try to help him and extinguish his person, which is still on fire. In a petrol station.

Third degree burns all up and down my leg. Just had an Ecig battery blow up and catch fire inside my pocket! Ouch ow ow ow

Posted by Josh Hamilton on Saturday, 20 February 2016

Christ. Watch below: 
WOAH. Woah. Woooooahhh.

Source: Streamable.