Harvey Weinstein’s Week In Rehab Has Ended And His Doc Has Spoken Out

A psychologist tasked with treating Harvey Weinstein’s ostensible sex addiction at an Arizona rehab centre has disputed some claims made about the accused serial sexual predator’s behaviour at the facility, but confirmed the former Hollywood executive had exhibited “an appropriate display of anger.”

After claims emerged from a source at the same facility that Weinstein was prone to falling asleep in group therapy sessions, smuggled in a contraband mobile phone, and even framed the numerous allegations made against him as a grand conspiracy, the psychologist gave their take to TMZ.

Speaking with the apparent blessing of Weinstein himself, the psychologist contradicted earlier reports that the patient wasn’t fussed about his treatment, saying he “was able to focus on his therapy despite a ton of distractions” and “he showed up for all the meetings and was fully engaged.”

Regarding allegations that Weinstein characterised the maelstrom of allegations as a conspiracy against him, the psychologist said that wasn’t the case. However, Weinstein’s anger has been apparent.

On elements of his stay that “triggered” Weinstein, the psychologist said “our job was to help him recognize where it was coming from and how to control it.”

Although Weinstein’s “intensive” week-long outpatient program wrapped up over the weekend, one of his reps informed TMZ he intends to stay around for another month to be in contact with doctors. As for whether the treatment will have any impact, the psychologist tellingly said they’re on “the beginnings of work on empathy,” and “time will tell” if it sticks.

Time will tell a lot of things, it seems: police investigations into Weinstein’s actions have begun in London, New York City, and Los Angeles.