WATCH: Viral Montreal Car Crash Set To Music Is A Beautiful, Sad Ballet

A little street in Canada has gone viral thanks to its insatiable appetite for carnage, and by ‘carnage’ we mean ‘multiple low-speed crashes where no one was hurt so we can still find it funny’. Small blessings! 

Beaver Hall hill, in downtown Montreal, was covered in a light blanket of snow overnight, which proved to be far too much for literally every single vehicle unlucky to drive on it.

Nearby office workers caught the many, many crashes on camera (because of course they did), and the footage has gone immediately viral.

Colin Creado
, who works at a marketing and analytics company on the corner of the ill-fated street, described to CBC how he’d noticed a commotion on his way to work, which turned out to be a bus that had crashed into a car at the intersection.

Next minute, a second bus began sliding down the street.

“This time, the bus was full of people, and it couldn’t stop,” he said. “It crashed into the other bus.”

You’d think that after a couple accidents the authorities would be called in, and guess what – you’d be right! The cops rocked up a short time later, but unfortunately chose to arrive at the scene via the very hill that had caused the trouble in the first place, and slid straight down it and into a bus.

Next minute, a salt-spreading, snow-removal truck rocks up to try and save the day and also promptly slid down the hill, straight into the aforementioned cop car. 

Honestly, you cannot make this shit up.

“I could see the cop car literally jump in the air. It was pretty powerful,”
said Creado. “You would have thought … they would have salted the area or at least cordoned it off, because that road is pretty steep.”

But the comedy doesn’t end there, folks!

Gizmodo‘s Ashely Feinberg has been doing the Lord’s work and putting this clip to the music it so desperately needs. 

TBQH, the ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm‘ theme has never seemed so appropriate.

Photo: CBC Montreal.