WATCH: The Inspector Gadget Of Bartending Pours 17 Jagerbombs At Once

Between the ages of 19 and 22, everyone with a pissfit liver goes through a bout of curious fascination with the ungodly heart-stopping concoction known as the Jägerbomb.
A liquid that more closely resembles congealed rocket fuel, the drink is wildly popular amongst uni students, the sleepless, and the 0.3% of the population who actually rate aniseed as an acceptable flavour of anything.
Occasionally, usually in clubs on Uni night or at beachside bars somewhere exotic like Kuta, you’ll find bartenders who’ve developed and perfected the art of putting a little theatre into the humble Jägerbomb.
The ole’ balancing the shot glass on the bridge of two glasses/domino shots trick is as tried and true as the drink itself.
But one absolute loose unit in Germany has taken that one step further, breaking the world record for pouring Jägerbombs simultaneously.
Not “the longest domino chain of shot,” actually pouring the bastards all at once.
German bloke Philip Traber managed to smash his own previous world record of 14, by pouring a ridiculous SEVENTEEN drinks all at the same time, using a frankly terrifying technique involving a precariously stacked array of glasses.
Bloody just… smash this one into yr gobs. It’s ridiculous.

Old mate must’ve been a hell of a glassie before they eventually let him step behind the bar. Sweet merciful crap.

Source: YouTube.