WATCH: Margot Robbie Was A Bit Baffled By That Horny Vanity Fair Profile

We all remember that Vanity Fair profile of Margot Robbie. At the time, I suggested that the writer was desperately in need of a wank to relieve his obvious pent up sexual energy. Robbie herself was quiet on the issue, which is surprising only if you think women need to comment on every weirdly sexist bit of comment on them.

Need a reminder? Just salivate over this passage:
America is so far gone, we have to go to Australia to find a girl next door. In case you’ve missed it, her name is Margot Robbie. She is 26 and beautiful, not in that otherworldly, catwalk way but in a minor knock-around key, a blue mood, a slow dance. She is blonde but dark at the roots. She is tall but only with the help of certain shoes. She can be sexy and composed even while naked but only in character. 
She appeared on The Project last night with parts of her fam for an interview with Carrie Bickmore. In it, she discussed the fateful interview, confirming that it was a weird one and she was curious as to how the hell it was actually going to turn out.
“I remember doing the interview and being like, ‘That was an odd one… a really odd interview, I don’t know how that’s going to come out,’” she said.
“Then I read it and I was like, ‘Yeah, the tone of this is really weird, I don’t really know what he’s trying to get at or play at’ – but I didn’t expect it’d be, like, an uproar about it, at all,” she continued.
But, she says, ultimately she sees things that are way more sexist on a “daily basis” than this particular take.
She also addressed the furious response to the comments in the article about Australia, in which the author described our country as like America 50 years ago. If we’re honest, Australia collectively losing its mind over one comment in one article doesn’t reflect well if we’re defending ourselves against that charge.

“I had this bit of Aussie pride, and I thought ‘don’t mess with the Aussies, don’t you mess with the Aussies, look what happens when you mess with Australia!’”

There has been no word on whether author Rich Cohen ever had that wank. We assume he probably did.
Source & photo: The Project.