WATCH: Margot Robbie Crucially Flubs Explainer Of ‘Fair Dinkum’ To VF

ICYM the wild reading of a Vanity Fair writer’s self-congratulatory wank – a.k.a. his hella thirsty profile on Margot Robbie – it’s bad. Really, it’s just very, very bad. Garbage, in fact.

But in addition to this very bad garbage piece, Vanity Fair also asked Margot Robbie to explain Aussie slang to them. Now, this here is a publication that described Australia as like “America 50 years ago, sunny and slow, a throwback, which is why you go there for throwback people,” so first of all they can get fucked.

Second of all… Margot, we love ya, but we don’t think ‘fair dinkum’ means what you think it means.

“Fair dinkum,”
she says in the video, thinking. “Kind of like, ‘oh far out’.”


*steeples fingers, rests chin*
………………………………..That is incorrect.

You can watch the video below, where VF have also inexplicably paired the term ‘bludger’ with a picture of koala. Koalas have nothing to do but sleep, eat, and occasionally fuck. What, might I ask you, are they bludging from? 

Photo: Vanity Fair.