Vegan Owners Prove Kittens Can Die From #Cleaneating

Some stellar nutjobs have been doing a really great job of entrenching the old obnoxious vegan stereotype, ready to shovel down #facts to you peasant meat-eaters by enforcing their ideologies and frequently shouting at you that Oreos are vegan but milk came from a cow with feelings so you can’t have both; a couple were found to be feeding their kitty a strictly #clean diet, all while almost killing the thing in the process.

While, arguably, not every vegan is a total dick and many actually have the capacity of being nice humans, the couple from Melbourne have been chastised by North Melbourne Animal Hospital for “forcing their ideologies” on their heaps adorable baby pet.

The Herald Sun reports that the kitten was mistaken for a struggling vegan activist and was fed the appetizing diet of “potatoes, rice milk and pasta“. A veterinarian at the animal hospital told The Herald Sun that the kitten was “extremely weak and collapsed when it came in. It was almost non-responsive.” Dr Pinfold at the Animal Hospital stated the obvious, saying that cats were inherent meat-eaters so stop it, already, “Carnivores will seek out meat and your cat is possibly more likely to go
hunting and kill local native fauna if you deprive it of meat.”

A human vegan diet is fine because we all know soy milk is actually delicious; but let’s not bring the internet’s favourite species in to this, things could get gassy.

Via The Herald Sun.