Underwear Bomber Foiled By Dirty Undies

In news that could probably try a LITTLE harder to not make it so easy for us, it’s been revealed that the man who tried to blow up a plane with an underwear bomb failed because of his dirty jocks.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarded a flight from Amsterdam to the US on Christmas Day in 2009 planning to detonate the bomb stowed in his underpants, but when the time came, it caught fire, leaving the 25-year-old with burns to his groin.
The bomb’s source was traced back to al Qaeda, and now the reason for its failure has been traced back to Abdulmutallab being a grub. The head of the US Transportation Security Administration, John Pistole, this week told the Aspen Security Forum that “The bomber had had the device with him for over two weeks… Let’s say it was degraded.”

Our guess? Skidmarks. They’ll get ya every time.

Image via Getty Images News