Tragic Breaking News: Latest Nerf Blaster Will NOT Be Released In Aus

To everyone who was dreaming of a summer that included pelting your rivals with the new Nerf Rival Blaster, we’re sorry. We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they’re not going to be released down under, and trust us, we’re just as cut over it as you are.

Us rn:
The new Nerf guns blast 12 golfball-sized foam balls – rather than darts – at your opponents in rapid succession, and basically, they look sick.
Check it:
Have you ever hit your enemy with a golfball travelling at 113 km/h? We haven’t, but like… we’d lowkey like to? It sounds rather cathartic, and it’s only foam, how bad can it hurt, ya know?
Gizmodo reached out to Hasbro Australia to find out when these beauties would be reaching our shores, only to receive the following response:
“Unfortunately there are no plans for the distribution of this product in Australia — it does not pass the safety standards required for Australia.”

We understand that these are probs too intense to sell over the counter to kids… but like… can’t we just buy them? We have I.D.!
Via Gizmodo