Thor Served By Legend Human Who Creates Hammer Replica Only He Can Lift

Norse Gods, you’ve been served. 
An engineer from the planet Earth, one Allen Pan, has created a replica of Thor’s mighty hammer (a.k.a Mjölnir) that only he can lift in an Excalibur-style science experiment.
The knock-off Mjölnir is made from a few in-built batteries, a transformer electromagnet swiped from an old microwave, a touch sensor connected to the handle, and a fingerprint scanner registered to Allen’s thumbprints only.
Allen took his hammer to the streets to Punk the shit out of people, and just look at all these muggles trying their luck.
Then, THIS guy:
Allen explains to his bewildered audience: “This thing on the front [of the hammer], it’s a thumbprint scanner, right. If you’ve got worthy thumbprints, it comes right up.” 
A kid who thinks he’s got it figured yells, “It’s magnets!”. Allen cooly replies:“Yeah, magnets that get turned off if you’re not me!”
Check out his road test video below: