There’s Shitloads Of Rare Pokémon In A NYC Prison For Some Bizarro Reason

We’ve already seen stories about the Pokémon in ‘Pokémon Go‘ appearing in rather inappropriate places – for example, gas Pokémon Weezing appearing in, err – the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC
However, Mass Appeal have reported that US jail Rikers Island is a surprising hotspot for the Pocket Monsters, with a Correctional Officer speaking out about his insane success with catching them all inside the prison gates.
The CO, who asked to remain anonymous (for good reason, tbh), said he’d managed to see and catch a bunch of rare Pokémon at Rikers. 
“So far, the only place I’ve seen the rare Pikachu is on Rikers.

There’s an abundance of [them], both common and not so common on the island. I’ve caught a Weezing, two Tangela, and a Cubone.”
And he says that many guards have noticed that their place of employment is a rather inappropriate Pokémon nest. 
“I’ve spoken to a bunch of officers who play [it] and we talk about how many there are on the island. 

Rikers is a Pokémon goldmine.”
Now, we know what you’re thinking – how the hell are mobile phones allowed inside New York‘s biggest jail complex? Well… they’re not. But hiding their addiction to the hyped mobile game isn’t even the hard part – turns out that the GPS signal isn’t exactly strong there. 
“Besides the cameras, the main thing stopping us from catching Pokémon in the facility is that the GPS signal doesn’t register.”
Source/Photos: Mass Appeal