The Selby Will Shoot Your Pets

To celebrate the April 1 release of his coffee table book, Crib Envy: Homes Much Prettier Than Yours, The Direct Correlation Between Personal Success And The Photogenic Appeal Of Your Abode The Selby: Photos In Your Place – Todd Selby is on a one man mission to meme the fuck out. Come March 1st the voyeuristic lensman will team up with Collette and erect an apartment in the Parisian boutique’s window. The day after he’ll be taking pet portraits with assistance from “celebrity canine Oscar the Water Bar Labrador”. And the day after that the Selby’s Apartment Window will magically morph into a Karaoke bar.

But for hoarders and fans of shag carpeting pencil the 6th of March into your diaries because The Selbs (just trying something out here) will be offering free VIP interiors consultation with special guests in tow. Unfortunately for the pets and cluttered apartments of Australia the closest we’ll get is looking at photos on the internet or buying the book ourselves. Save breaking into the homes of the Australian creatives he chronicled last year (highly unrecommended) we’ll just have to wait for April 1st like the rest and gawk enviously at the toys, shoes and records we’ll never have.