The Selby Launches Sydney Book

Fact: The cribs Todd Selby captures are far cooler (and infinitely smaller) than the ones on MTV. This is probably a good thing. For one there’s a distinct lack of Crystal in refrigerators, no Escalades in driveways, no driveways at all actually and Selby’s subjects don’t boast about their beds like they invented sex while saying cheesy shit like “this is where the magic happens”. Due to the medium of course, Selby’s subjects can’t talk – but if they could I’m sure they’d draw our attention to the bed’s handcrafted wooden headboard not the million and one ways they could impregnate their wife.

Fact: Todd Selby loves Australia. Actually we can’t say that with 100% certainty but considering his debut photo exhibition was at Sydney’s Monster Children Gallery, his poster collaboration with Sydney Graphic Designer Jonathon Zawada and his recently launched Sydney-centric book we’re gonna go ahead and make assumptions.

In his latest project, co-curated and produced by Chris Searl of Monster Children, Selby offers his dreamy brand of voyeurism in hard copy with a 28 page book containing photos from his recent Australian jaunt. Check out some shots of the book below and a must-watch Pedestrian interview between Todd Selby and Mark Hunter.