The Leader Of The United Patriots Front Resigned ‘Cause Someone Was Mean To Him

If you’ve made the mistake of befriending a slightly racist great-aunty on Facebook, chances are, you’ve seen videos or images from very racist person “Patriot”, Shermon Burgess
His page (now deleted), The Great Aussie Patriot, embodied the classic, “I’M NOT A RACIST, BUT” way of life, and truly believed that despite most of our ancestors immigrating to Australia, that “__insert race/religious group of colour here__ ARE TAKING OUR JOBS!”. And right now, the religion he has it out for is, of course, Islam. 
He uses slurs, says ignorant bollocks, and makes wildly offensive generalisations about each individual and unique Muslim person, which he assumes are all exactly the same because of their faith. He also desperately wants Australia to reject Sharia Law, which is something that our country currently does not have, nor has it ever.
Shermon just stood down as leader of his equally bigoted and gross group, the United Patriots Front. All because some “fellow Patriots” laughed at a video by ‘The Great Aussie Potato’, a parody account which mocks his terribly-shot, flag-heavy personal videos. He will be passing the leadership of the group to his 2IC, Blair Cottrell (who we hope is just as good at making badly-designed infographics with false information on them). 
This is the video he’s chucked a tanty and resigned over:

Lmfao I like this blokes form. Takin the piss outta spuds like Sherm the Germ.

Posted by The Great Aussie Potato” on Wednesday, 4 February 2015

“There are a lot of so-called patriots out there hanging shit on me, putting shit on me, teasing me, mocking me and I don’t know why. It’s not fair and I don’t like it. I am an Australian and I have feelings. I want you all to stop and if you don’t I’m telling me mum.” 

Honestly, sometimes the world is truly fabulous. BYE SHERMON. 
via The Guardian
Image via Getty.