Tara Brown Faces Court In Handcuffs Over ’60 Mins’ Kidnapping Drama

Tara Brown has been led into a Lebanese court in handcuffs for the second day of hearings after being arrested for trying to seize two children from their Lebanese father in a (now very, very messy) international custody battle.
Sally Faulkner (the mother), Tara Brown, the ‘60 Minutes‘ TV crew, two local men and two British men will all be going in front of the judge to potentially face charges of kidnapping, assault, hiding information and, weirdly, being a member of a criminal gang. 
The maximum sentence for the charges is 20 years jail time, so if things don’t go well this might actually be some pretty serious shit.
The two British men have been named by Lebanese media as Craig Michael and Adam Whittington, supposedly from the child recovery agency Faulkner hired to go after her kids.
It’s expected that tonight the judge will make a ruling on whether or not Tara and the crew are up for bail.
Source: SBS.