Sydney High School Legends Successfully Bin Gender Rules On School Uniforms

Chalk this one up as a big win for a big bunch of big legends. Students at Sydney’s Newtown High School of the Performing Arts have won a battle with school administration that will see gender rules removed from their mandatory school uniform policy, meaning students can now freely wear whichever parts of the school uniform that they feel the most comfortable in.

The students successfully lobbied the school board to change the rules, which previously required parental permission and accompanying psychological assessments – likely including physical diagnosis of body or gender dysmorphia – in order for students with non-cis or non-binary gender identities to wear the uniform “designated” for the opposite sex.
That process presented issues for students whose familial background had been strained or broken. Year 11 student Jo Dwyer spoke to Fairfax Media to explain further.

“Our aim was to remove the un-inclusive gender labels from the school uniform, and make it so that anyone could wear any aspect of the uniform without having to go through a long and difficult process.”

“Before the changes were implemented, students had to go through the school with parental permission and notes from psychologists before they were allowed to wear the cross gender uniform, and that wasn’t really a possibility for some students whose parents aren’t supportive of their gender identity.”

Course you can’t have a picnic without attracting a few pesky ants, and thus like clockwork the Australian Christian Lobby made a response that sounded like something lifted straight out of a 1940s Pentecostal gay panic after-school special.

Wendy Francis, a spokeswoman for the group, simply could not get her head around the concept.

“To encourage a guy to wear a dress would just be setting him up for bullying.”

“I don’t get it. It is a retrograde idea in my mind, there is no need to say we are going to allow boys to wear a kilt or girls to wear trousers, I find it almost laughable.”

Imagine it! Boys wearing kilts! Girls wearing trousers! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

The NSW Department of Education confirmed that all NSW schools are free to set their own individual policies on school uniforms.

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.