STOP THE PRESSES: An Animal Charity Has Created A Dog Emoji Keyboard

You know this: there is very few things in life that matter as much as pooches. Marriage, children, career; none of these things are as important as dogs. 

And because of this true fact, UK pooch charity Dogs Trust has decided to make it easier for us to communicate about puppers via our smartphones. 
Adrian Burder, the chief executive of Dogs Trust said that the charity gets to see and care for so many different types of dogs everyday, and they wanted to be able to share that with the public:

“As the UK’s largest welfare charity, we have a responsibility to ensure all are fairly treated, and represented, in both the digital and real world. While we fully support the recent updates to diversify the emoji keyboard, with nine million canines in family homes across the [UK], we also feel deserve that same representation.”

Here’s how you get it: first head to the App Store or Google Play, and download the ‘Dogs Trust Emoji Keyboard’ app. 

For iPhone users 

iPhone users can go to ‘Settings’ and then General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add a new keyboard.
They can select the Dogs Trust Emoji Keyboard and ‘allow full access to install it. 
Users can then launch the keyboard from any messaging app by taping and holding the globe icon on the bottom left corner of their keyboard and selecting Dogs Trust Emoji keyboard. 
For Android users 
Android users must open the Dogs Trust Emoji Keyboard App on their app screen and tap on the menu icon in the bottom left corner to select ‘settings’. 
They can then choose the specific messaging and social apps they want to show a shortcut to the keyboard. 
It will then show up in any of the chosen messaging apps. 
Then, you will be able to annoy your housemates/friends/family/loved ones, much like this writer is annoying hers: