Sexting Without Consent Is Now Illegal In Victoria As Of Today

Until today, disseminating intimate images of your peers without their consent was apparently an A-Okay practice in the eyes of the crazy, sexy, cool Victorian Law. 
All that changes today with the introduction of a new ban that means anyone who third party sexts someone else’s sexts [or, Revenge Porn] without the explicit consent of the original sexter [Sexter Zero] now faces prosecution under two new offences. Gr8. About time, too.
According to the SBS, sex pests who get a kick out of maliciously spreading images of adults sent without their consent now face jail time for up to two years, while those who only threaten to distribute those images can also be jailed for up to one year. 
The ban also applies to images of anyone under the age of 18, natch, and coincides with the introduction of new exceptions to child pornography offences which means that two teens who do a sext with each other will not be prosecuted or placed on a sex offenders’ register for “consensual, non-exploitative sexting.” Cute.
That, or they could just keep using emoji in the way it was originally intended to be used: for the express purposes of creative titillation that everyone can enjoy.
via SBS