Scott Morrison: Got Mental Health Issues? Get A Job!

Hey guys – big news! Great news! We’ve finally found THIS GUY!

It’s….. drum roll please…. SCOTT MORRISON.

Yup, the Minister for Social Services has found the cure for your depression / anxiety / bipolar. WHO KNEW? This is why we pay him the big bucks, guys.

He let everyone know the good news at the ACOSS National Conference, which ABC News 24 is live tweeting.

Pack up your anti-depressants, guys. Cancel your therapy appointment. Get up, have a shower, and go get a job!!!

You can find out more at: get a fucking grip scott morrison dot com

We wrote yesterday about a study that found the leading causes of suicide in men, one of which was a personal stressor, one example of which was unemployment.

And while many medical professionals are in agreement that unemployment is stressful and can lead to depression, and that having a regular income and contributing to society is part of being mentally healthy, and that getting a job is a step in dealing with mental health issues, having a job is not a fucking cure.

Scott Morrison has defended his comments, linking to sources about the importance of work in improving mental health.

Meanwhile, if you do want to know about treatments for mental health, head on over to Beyond BlueBlack Dog Institute, or Headspace. Or check out our article on how to spot and talk about depression.

If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts, give one of these guys a buzz: Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.

Photo: Stefan Postles via Getty Images