Samuel L Jackson Is A Bad MF, Even When Singing Karaoke

All praise be to the eternal lasting glory that is Samuel L Jackson – actor, handsomer, airborne snake defeater. A bad motherfucker in every sense of the word.

Sure, you might have your Bill Murray‘s and whathaveyou who dance to your “Turn Down For What‘s” and it’s fine and all. Maybe even good on the right day given the right circumstances. But it’s Sammy L that’s the real deal. The real deal.
And, as it turns out, Jackson’s got a set of pipes on him. Not a very good one, but a set nonetheless. But that’s totally cool, because not everyone is blessed with a golden baritone. Fortunately for him, and for all of us similarly cursed with off-pitch shrieking that could strip the paint off a tank, the greatest human leveller of all time exists, and its name is karaoke.
Shoving aside some fool and boldly declaring “amateur hour’s over,” Samuel L Jackson stepped up to the plate to belt out a rousing rendition of Robin S‘s classic hit “Show Me Love” whilst participating in a charity event for British GQ‘s “One for the Boys” campaign at Abbey Road Studios.
Thanks to the internet, this glorious, generation-defining moment was captured via the majesty of Instagram for all to see by Daisy Lowe.

Show the man some love! Shit, show him ALL the love!
Now just sit back, relax, and try to deal with the fact that nothing you see from now on will ever be as good as that.
Photo: Anthony Harvey via Getty Images.