Reminder – Clive Palmer Is Actually Batshit Insane

We’ve been going through something of an odd period in Australian political history as of late. With two major parties far more concerned with pointing the finger at the other than doing any actual work, there’s been times where a rogue, billionaire mining magnate who built a bunch of dinosaurs on his hotel resort and wants to construct a successor to the Titanic has made a shocking amount of sense. In fact, there’s been times where the political suggestions and policy proposals of Clive Palmer and his Palmer United Party have not only made sense, but they’ve seemed rational and fair and… *grits teeth* like actual good politics.

But then, fortunately for us, there’s times where that facade of normality is a little too hard to maintain, and the outer mask peels away – if only for a second – to reveal the true nature of the complete gibbering loon that defines Palmer’s true self.
On last night’s Q&A we got more than a solid dose of that. It seems the topic of Palmer’s alleged misuse of Chinese mining funds – and the subsequent legal battles that have ensued – is something of a sore spot for the big man. He’d previously stormed out of an interview on the 7:30 Report when asked about the subject, and last night on Q&A, with nowhere to go, the topic caused him to launch into a, frankly, remarkable tirade against China as an entire nation.

There you have it, folks. As written in the Gospel Accord to Clive, the “Chinese mongrels” who are all “communists” that “shoot their own people” have “no justice system” who “want to take over this country.”
Bonus points go to Penny Wong who used this time to inch ever-so-slightly away from Clive, physically distancing herself from his comments.
Long story short, a certain billionaire mining magnate someone is probably going to cop a gob full of spit in their next order of Beef with Black Bean Sauce.
Thanks for the reminder, Clive. People were actually starting to like you a bit. *shudders*