Prince Harry Arrives in Sydney on Monday, Apparently Not Allowed Out

Prince Harry will arrive in Sydney on Monday, and so begins his month-long military detachment.

While he’s here in Oz, he’s being referred to as ‘Captain Wales’ – it reflects the military nature of his stay here apparently. But you can also call him ‘Hazza’, or ‘cutey-face’, or ‘loose cunt‘ or ‘love of my life’. Totally up to you.

During his time in Australia, he’ll be observing training of the Australian elite special forces (SAS) in Perth, and at bases in Darwin and Sydney too.

Great for our military or whatever, but as we said last times we posted about Hazza the cutey-face/loose cuntwe were kinda hoping for boozy jaunts at The Ivy. Unfortunately, defence officials have said that Harry will likely only be spotted in public if the unit with which he is attached is given base leave.

We recently found out that his big bro Prince Willy will be flying choppers for a day job, and Harry’s also requested to fly helicopters while he’s here, so the aviation love must run in the family.

Prince Harry will arrive in Sydney on a commercial flight this coming Monday, then head straight to Canberra. He’ll greet the public at some stage on the day too, so if anyone’s looking to mack hard on the handsome royal, Monday’s your day to give it what you got.

via SMH