Prince George Well On Way To Being Totally Average In Birthday Photo

Prince George, a powerful baby you like to pretend you don’t give a fuck about, is plotting a one way course toward standard childhood developmental milestones if a ridiculous new photo released by parents Bill and Katie M. to mark his first birthday is to be believed.
In keeping with the Windsor-Middleton tradition of making you look at every single one of their photographs whenever their baby does anything remotely headline grabbing, the photo is the first of three being rolled out over the next 24 hours anticipating the first anniversary of George’s initial crowning, which – per the ABC – will be celebrated “privately with close family and friends at Kensington Palace”; also, shots.
In the photo, taken a few weeks ago by John Stillwell at London’s Natural History Museum’s Sensational Butterflies exhibition, George exhibits remarkably average signs of motor development in keeping with other less-rich children his age, including the ability to walk unaided, to demonstrate binocular coordination, and the ability to reduce otherwise cognisant adults into babbling invalids rendered unable to ‘literally even deal’.

“Prince George was very lively and very sure of himself and confident – a very determined young boy,” observed Stillwell of his face-punchingly adorable subject. 

How he got all that from looking at someone who can hardly fathom his own existence is beyond me. 

Happy birthday though, l’il dawg.

UPDATE: Here are the two other photos.

via the United Kingdom Press Association, The Duke and Duchess of Babebridge

Lead photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for La Martina