Poor Sod In QLD Mistook A Jellyfish For A Fake Tit & Handed It In To Cops

Ah, boobs. Bosoms. Chesticles. Norks. Whatever you decide to call them, they are fabulous. 
A Sunshine Coast resident certainly made it known that he is well aware of their sanctity, when he turned a prosthetic chest implant in to Maroochydore Police. In a sealed plastic bag and everything. What an upstanding bloody citizen. 
Obviously, whoever has misplaced their holy boob must be in absolute despair – because how does one lose track of their boob, exactly?
I suppose today will not be the day we learn the answer to that vital question, folks, because our mate who was just tryna do right by the law had not quite handed in a breast implant. 
He handed in a jellyfish. 
Look. This is an easy mistake to make. Breast implants are gooey and mesmerising. They are also an electric blue colour and have the capacity to sting, so we can understand how this came to be. 
Serious props to Aussie citizen of the year, who, it was revealed, had brought the hallowed object to coppers as evidence because he thought it might belong to a dead body. 
You did the right thing, mate. This actually isn’t the first time this has happened. I used to think that those chicken fillet things people put in their bras were actual chicken. 
Source and photo: Sunshine Coast Daily.