Pauline Hanson Goes On ‘The Verdict’, Admits She’s Been Blazed Before

On ‘The Verdict‘ tonight, the panel was made up of ‘Smart people’, and ‘Undecided/Other’. 

Smart people included our main man and host Karl Stefanovic, Osman Faruqi, Deborra-Lee Furness, and Jamila Rivzi.  
‘Undecided/Other’ included Amanda Vanstone, Peter FitzSimons, Mark Latham, and Pauline Hanson. In this article, we will be focusing on the latter. 
Firstly, Pauline Hanson lead by saying that she is totally chill with multiculturalism, but also she’d like to reel it back a bit, y’know? Because of all the cultures. There’s too much culture here now, in her opinion. Denmark and the Netherlands are totally doing it, apparently.

That… that is not helping you seem more relatable, Pauline. 

Yes, that is how multiculturalism works, Pauline. 
Then, in typical Pauline fashion, she upped the ante: she went straight into top gear and said that she would like a Royal Commission… “into Islam”. 

Like… the whole thing? All 1400-ish years of it? Damn, that is going to take a really, really long time. You are going to have to get up very early in the morning, Pauline.
Moving on to the next topic: sweet Mary Jane! 
Should we legalise weed? Probably. Are we closer to legalising weed after this episode of The Verdict? No! Because Pauline said some stupid things, and then she admitted that weed made her ‘spaced out of her head’. Faaaaaantastic. Doin’ good things for the cause. 


I considered for a hot sec that maybe Pauline is a genius and attempting to make sure weed isn’t legalised by admitting it broke her brain. But then I realised that I was just tired and delirious after what we had just viewed. Silly me.
NOTE FROM WRITER: Boss, I will need to formulate some sort of drinking game for future articles that feature this amount of Pauline Hanson. 
via The Verdict