Melbs Topped Off Its Blisteringly Hot Day With A Pearler Of A Thunderstorm

You couldn’t just stop at one near-catastrophical weather event a day, could you Melbourne?
Following news Melbournites would be subjected to our hottest November day in four years, along came today’s massive, admittedly very pretty but still extremely unfair thunderstorms, rolling through Victoria like they own the damn place. 
And, because this city will never, ever allow you to leave home with less than every variety of clothing you have, the temperature is set to plummet by 20 degrees throughout the night
Take a gander below for some of the best pics of the windy city’s ridiculous, beautiful, and, er, temperamental day, as well as one particularly great jab at this stupid city and the people who love/hate it so.

Look you are not wrong, Jess Coates.

Source: Twitter.
Photo: Nick Allinson / Twitter.