Khloe Kardashian’s Heavily-Medicated Tweets Are A Lesson To Us All

Khloe Kardashian is sick with a nasty staph infection that she contracted after camping out at soon-to-be-ex-husband Lamar Odom‘s hospital bedside.
As she rested up at home, she did what all of us do when we’re bored and/or high: she drifted onto social media.
It began innocently enough, with a tweet about her boyfriend James Harden‘s latest basketball game:

…But it escalated pretty quickly, as people slid into her mentions, telling her to choose between her boyfriend and Lamar:

Khloe was adamant that the divorce was still going ahead:


But the tone was set. She was on Twitter and ready to draaaaaaag:

She stopped for a moment to retain her crown as the most self-aware Kardashian:

But that didn’t mean she was about to take shit from anyone:

She delivered this 1-2 punch:

And she was like “hmm maybe this isn’t such a good idea”…

…Right before insulting someone’s dick:

It was a delightful time watching this unfold, but alas, all good things must come to an end:

In conclusion, don’t morphine & tweet, peeps. Not even once. 

via Twitter