K-Rudd’s F-Bomb Video Leak

We need to f**king talk about Kevin, again. A video has surfaced on the most democratic medium of them all – the internets – of former Prime Minister turned Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd mouthing off like a sailor in frustration while trying to pre-record a video address in Mandarin.

Highlights from the highly diced and spliced footage, which has been dubbed ‘Kevin Rudd Is A Happy Little Vegemite‘ and is receiving attention from all news media outlets, include:

“Tell them to cancel this meeting at six o’clock, I don’t have any f***ing patience to do this. The f***ing Chinese interpreter up there – oh just f***ing hopeless” and:

Just give me simple sentences and I have said this before and tell that bloody interpreter this f***ng language he just complicates it so much, just f***ng hopeless, I f***ed up the last word.

Oh, Kevin – you f**ked up more than just the last word.

In an interview with Sky News Rudd apologised for the highly edited tirade, saying “these sorts of off-takes we assume are destroyed at the time. Obviously these takes have make their way into some archival storage of some kind. Anyone who’s got a touch of suspicion about them, if this was done a number of years ago and was done [released] now then obviously it’s a little bit on the unusual side.

The Vegemite viral comes at an inopportune time for the Foreign Minister as he continues to deny rumours of an impending leadership challenge.

Mr Rudd again told Sky News he has learnt from his mistakes and reiterated, in case you missed it the first time, that “I’ve made mistakes in the past.” Rudd then used the video as a vehicle to address how much he’s changed in the intervening years in a move to counter the intention of those who leaked the video, whose motive was presumably to remind the party of his hothead temper, notorious potty mouth, and penchant for gentlemen’s bars.

So as to whether K-Rudd has changed in any fundamental way, that’s a judgement for others to make, but I’ve certainly reflected a lot in the past several years, and you’d be a mug if you didn’t learn something from the past.”

Yes you would, Kev; you’d also be a mug if you actually referred to yourself in the third person, let alone as K-Rudd too.

Image by: Scott Barbour via Getty