Jim Carrey Went On A Bizarre Twitter Rant About Vaccines Today

Your childhood favourite, Jim Carrey, decided today was the day to lose his freakin’ mind on Twitter. 

His topic of choice was vaccines. More specifically, thimerasol (an organic compound which contains mercury), which is in some vaccines. There’s absolutely no proof at all that it’s bad for you, and it’s a common anti-vaxxer mindset to be adamant that it kills, and/or causes autism. 
Jimbo also spoke about the CDC (Centre for Disease Control/Prevention) being “corrupt” which he knows because he watched a “documentary”, called ‘Trace Amounts’ which sounds very “peer-reviewed” and not at all “tin foil hat-ish”, ya know?

After the media started posting about this bizarre rant, Carrey decided to post another tweet or two specifying that he isn’t actually an anti-vaxxer. He’s just anti-neurotoxins. Get that straight. 

I know, don’t you just feel like a big dumb idiot now! 
via Twitter