The Jarryd Hayne Supporter Accused Of Spitting Outside Court Will Be Slapped With A $500 Fine

jarryd hayne spitting

The Jarryd Hayne supporter accused of spitting outside the court will be formally fined by NSW police.

Mina Greiss has been accused of spitting outside Newcastle Courthouse, and has been handed a criminal infringement notice for offensive conduct. Alongside this, he will be issued a $500 fine.

Greiss is alleged to have spat after Hayne’s May 6 trial for raping a woman in 2018. Hayne was sentenced to 5 years and 9 months in prison after being found guilty.

During the clamour after the trial, another person is alleged to have yelled that Hayne was “innocent” as he was taken away.

“I do not accept the offender did not know, or hear, that the victim did not want to have sex with him,” Judge Helen Syme said during Hayne’s sentencing.

“I do not accept that he was not aware that she was attempting to push him away and trying to physically resist him… it was very clear she said no several times.

“I have found the offender was fully aware that the victim was not consenting and went ahead anyway. His decision to do so increases the objective seriousness.”

In a powerful victim statement read to the court, the now 28-year-old woman, who has not been named for legal reasons, said she was raped in her Newcastle home while a taxi waited outside, on the night of the NRL Grand Final.

“I felt dirty and violated,” she said, according to reporters from the court.

“He made me feel like an object and was looking straight through me.

“My vagina was stinging in a throb-like sensation and I couldn’t understand or fully comprehend that he had just done that to me. I sat on my bed hugging my knees and staring into nothingness.

“At the beginning of this someone said to me you may be scared, but you could be the key for other people who don’t feel strong enough,” she said.

Jarryd Hayne maintains his innocence.

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If you require immediate assistance, please call 000.

If you’d like to speak to someone about sexual violence, please call the 1800 Respect hotline on 1800 737 732 or chat online

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