Internet Browser Extension ‘Stop Tony Meow’ Replaces Tony Abbott’s Face With Kittens

With a little bit of nous and a new browser extension you’re now able to do to photos of Tony Abbott’s Face what he promised to do to The Boats; that is, replace them with kittens, or something. 
A new Chrome extension [Safari coming soon] aptly titled Stop Tony Meow developed by three enterprising, Sydney-based web developers and designers Ben Taylor, Dan Nolan and Matt Kelsh does exactly that using some strange means of Internet wizardry to substitute traces of Tone left in the litter of your browsing history with lil’ kitty portraits. In other words, Stop Tony Meow has done to your daily #auspol fossicking what the Australian Cat Ladies did to the Australian Christian Lobby when they allowed their domain name to lapse. It’s Internet Catnip. 
Plus, it actually works. Here’s an example using a story we published yesterday. You’re welcome.

Slightly Doctored Lead Photo: Stefan Postles via Getty