Fun Tea In Adelaide Has Released A Statement As Yet More Details Emerge About The Brawl

Fun Tea

Adelaide bubble tea store Fun Tea has sticky-taped a statement to its front door on Gouger St in response to an incident where a 20-year-old employee was slapped in the face and kicked in the stomach.

The assault eventually descended into an all-out brawl on Friday night, before going viral on Tuesday and leading to the arrest of 39-year-old Gavin Guo, 7 News reports.

“During the incident, one of our female employees was allegedly stuck by a customer. The customer was not related to Fun Tea,” read the statement from owner Jason Duan, according to

“The incident arose following a previous verbal argument which the female employee had had with the customer.

“The alleged assault was not connected to a complaint about the employee’s pay or rates of pay.

“The management and owners of Fun Tea deplore violence of any sort, and have zero tolerance for assaults or violence.”

Meanwhile, new CCTV footage of the incident has also emerged, showing the aftermath.

It shows the alleged perpetrators walking off while other staff members try to help the young woman.

Aftermath of the Fun Tea kick and slap incident
byu/Yawn1985 inAdelaide

Gavin Guo (who wore a grey shirt in the video) was arrested on Tuesday night and charged with assault, while the woman who was slapped was treated at the scene and later taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

Meanwhile, 7 News managed to track Guo down, but he didn’t have anything to say to the cameras.

The statement put out by Fun Tea seems to contradict the theory spreading online that Guo was a friend of the owner, Duan, and that the worker who was slapped had been asking about pay.

Hopefully further investigation can get to the bottom of this.