Facebook Considers ‘Tip Jar’ So You + M8s Can Pay Each Other $ For Posts

If you’re a big fan of your own ~c o n t e n t~ and think you should be paid for that personal Facebook post saying how much you hate food bloggers, then your time is coming. 
Where as sharing sites like Youtube give users the ability to earn money by gaining bulk clicks and views, FB doesn’t let you make any cashola from your hot-as-shit vids and the like.
And so, Facebook now may be considering a ‘tip jar’-esque button, so you can monetise your personal and page posts.  
A recent survey asked users for ways in which they’d like to monetise their posts using their ‘personal presence’, offering options like ‘tip jar’, ‘donation button’, a ‘call-to-action’ button, ‘branded content’, ‘ad revenue sharing’, and a ‘sponsor marketplace’, which would match users with advertisers. 
Look, this could all well be part of Facebook‘s grand master plan to know everything about everyone and eventually become overlords of the universe market research, but it’s pretty intriguing nonetheless. 
This could be us but Facebook’s playin’:
Source: The Verge.
Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty.