Taxpayer-Funded Conspiracy Pest Craig Kelly Is Reportedly Spamming People’s Phones With Ads

Craig Kelly

Notorious COVID shit-stirrer and federal MP Craig Kelly – who, during the pandemic, quit the Liberal party to join Clive Palmer‘s United Australia Party – has been accused of spamming a bunch of people with text messages and anti-vax emails.

If true, it would be a pretty ironic marketing tactic from someone who is obsessed with accusing the government of intruding into people’s private lives by implementing relatively reasonable health measures. Kelly didn’t respond to a request for clarification in time for publication.

A text message, which was reportedly sent en masse to a bunch of different numbers, simply read: “You can never trust the Liberals, Labor or [the] Greens again,” with a link to his own website.

What’s more cursed is the email which was reportedly sent by Kelly’s office to every MP and Senator in Parliament House.

The email contained comments from one Dr Peter A. McCullough, an American cardiologist who has been accused of spreading COVID misinformation. McCullough’s previous employers have distanced themselves from him since the pandemic started.

One of McCullough’s comments included in Kelly’s spammy email said that vaccinated adults could become “Typhoid Mary-style superspreaders of the infection.”

For those curious as to what this kooky reference actually means, Typhoid Mary was woman in the US who asymptomatically spread typhoid to a bunch of people during the early 1900s.

A bunch of people have now been complaining online about these unsolicited and unnerving messages from Kelly.

Some people even started reporting the messages to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

Unfortunately, the ACMA has responded by saying that its hands are tied.

“Messages from political parties, independent members of parliament (phone calls only), government bodies and registered charities are exempt from most spam and telemarketing rules,” the ACMA said in a tweet on Friday arvo.

Maybe if Kelly loses his tilt at the Senate during the next federal election, he’ll no longer be allowed to spam people with this shit.