Couple Raise ‘Genderless’ Baby In Effort To Be P.C.

It is often a heated topic of conversation that manages to frequently surface at dinner parties – is there such a thing as being too politically correct. The most recent act of X-treme political correctness comes from a Canadian couple that recently gave birth to their third child named Storm. They have decided to raise their 4 month old baby to be “genderless” in order to give the child the right to choose his or her own gender free from the pressures of social norms. They kicked off this dispersion of social norms by giving the gender-free baby a name usually reserved for Gladiators cast members and X-Men.

While there is no biological confusion regarding Storm’s anatomical parts, parents Kathy and David refuse to say whether the child is male or female, commenting that “if you really want to get to know someone, you don’t ask what’s between their legs”. Good luck to friends and family looking for gender-neutral paraphernalia to give the proud parents.

Words by Jess Glass
