5 Small Ways To Get Your Shit Together On Climate Action

When it comes to climate action, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The planet feels like it’s going to hell in a handbasket – what on Earth could we do as individuals?

The answer is – make a personal change, and get politically involved.

Both answers are a life-long work. Education around climate change and sustainability develops constantly. But for now, this list can help you get started.

1. Educate Yourself

Whether it’s learning how your local council recycles so you’re not putting stuff in the paper bin that shouldn’t be there, to knowing which pollies are supporting climate action and who sneakily back fossil fuels. Basically, don’t stick your head in the sand – if you aren’t across the facts, hunt them down.

2. Educate Others

And no, we’re not talking about sharing stories on social media relentlessly. Like with all injustices, if you hear fake news being told as fact at a party, or your boomer uncle tries to convince everyone the fires were the result of The Greens or whatever, speak up. Deliver those facts you now have at your disposal, or if you just know what they’re saying isn’t right – even calling them out can help. The Climate Council is a good place to start.

3. Get To Rallies

Every body counts – remember the impact of the Schools 4 Climate rallies last year! There are always rallies going down, and obviously we can’t be at them all. But when you can make it – do it. Even if you don’t have time to paint a sign. Showing up for our climate proves to the people who run this world that we demand change.

4. Follow Sustainable-Focused Accounts

Having the right stuff popping up in your face every time you scroll social can be a great way to keep your focus on sustainability. Instagram accounts like Take 3 For The Sea, Trash Is For Tossers and School Strike For Climate will keep you educated and informed daily.

5. Write To Your Local MP

Climate action starts with you. But it’s also a big picture thing, as boomers love to tell us. Basically – without governments, global corporations and influential leaders making changes, things just won’t shift.

One great way you can help them take notice is by writing to your local MP. Imagine getting letters from LOADS of your constituents asking for action on climate change? You’re far more likely to do something than if there’s radio silence. The Climate Council have this great explainer.