What Chris Minns’ Star Sign Tells Us About The Next 4 Years Of His Reign As NSW Premier

chris minns star sign

Strong election promises, powerful speeches and good looks — these are traits that every person aiming to be the Premier of a state or territory in Australia must possess. However, all of these qualities shadow in comparison to the one most important thing a politician can have in their arsenal: a star sign compatible with leadership.

I hope you like virgins because as we say goodbye to our Virgo overlord Dominic Perrottet, we welcome a new Virgo man to take the reigns: Chris Minns. The stars weren’t lying when they said Virgo folks were born to be leaders.

Let’s explore what having another Virgo man in charge means for the next four years. Keep in mind that Virgo men are very different to Virgo women. One is tolerable and astute and the other is a man.

chris minns
NSW deserves a hot dad as Premier (Source: Instagram @chrisminnsmp).

Let’s start with the bad news before we get into the good news.

Virgo men are notoriously stubborn. They know what they want and by God, they will get it.

This also means that at times they can malfunction when things are not done in the way they desire — after all, they know the best way to get things done, so why is nobody listening to them?

Virgo men can also be critical of people who are not themselves. To them, there is no one smarter, hotter or more perfect for every job on this planet than the man in the mirror.

Sounds like an egotistical mess, but there are good traits that balance these out to make for a great leader.

Virgo men are often notoriously honest, a trait you love to see in a politician. Sometimes their commitment to honesty bites them in the ass (see: one of Dom’s many wild confessions), but at least they’re horny for the truth.

Virgo men, like all Virgos, are also organised, dependable and reliable. Do you want shit done efficiently and swiftly? Call a Virgo. They have planned-out, colour-coordinated calendars for their own lives plus the lives of every single person around them, it’s scary. Scary and very attractive.

And hey, for the fuck of it, Virgo men in romance are considered to be relaxed and calm. After all, they can be so high-strung in their daily lives that they need to find someone to help them let loose outside of the hustle and bustle.

I for one welcome our new Virgo king Chris Minns into the seat of NSW Premier. A Virgo man who is left-leaning sounds far better than a Virgo man who’s on the right.