Here’s A Bunch Of UK Cats Transfixed By The Lions In Attenborough’s New Doco

BBC‘s new series Dynasties – hosted by David Attenborough, Lord of Nature Documentaries – last night focused on lions, arguably the most noble (The Lion King) of mammals while also being the most likely to rip you limb from limb for dinner.

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The series – which looks into the lives of “the world’s most celebrated, yet endangered animals“, including penguins, chimps, painted wolves and tigers – is meant to show the animals at their most desperate, struggling “against rivals and […] the forces of nature“. They’re “fight[ing] for survival and for the future of their dynasties“.

I hope you too read that in an Attenborough voice. Don’t disappoint me.

While people are fascinated by these fierce giant cats – who actually kill less people that great lummox, the hippo – you know who’s even more fascinated by these glorious maned beasts?

Household cats apparently. While lions/tigers/jaguars/leopards, split off from the rest of the cats at least six million years ago, there’s apparently plenty of similarities between the behaviours of cats and lions, so says National Geographic anyway.

They point to the way cats rub against things, sleep heaps, scratch things, smell with their mouth open, and love catnip. Yeah apparently even the Jungle Royal Family loves catnip.

Anyway, here’s just a bunch of cats staring in eerie fascination at their distant relatives on Dynasties, imagining how their lives would be if they lived on the African savannah.

In the interest of balance, here’s some dogs, watching their noted rivals, cats.