BOTTL-OH SHIT: Deliveroo Cycles Out Nationwide Deliverbooze Scheme

For far too long, we’ve suffered a grave injustice: citizens have been forced to acquire booze before ordering delivery grub, lest our succulent meals go unaccompanied. 

Today, that changes, for the pedal pushers over at Deliveroo are now bloody able to cycle grog straight to Melbourne’s front doors / open mouths. 

Next time you get all tap-happy to order some eats between noon and 11pm, you’ll be able to fang some drop onto your order as well. 

How’sabout a Hello Sam burg with a side of froff? A Thirty Eight Chairs Italian feast with a robust cab sav? Oriental Tea House dumplings feat. some sparkling?
Yeah. If that isn’t the best news your sedentary self has heard all day, you might want to get your tastebuds checked. Expect the service to roll out nationwide in the near future, with exact dates TBC.

Elsewhere, Deliveroo has also gone ahead and extended their food delivery hours in a slew of inner-city ‘burbs across Melbourne and Sydney, ensuring you’ll be able to engorge yourself with midnight eats until the tipple delivery goes nationwide.


Source: Supplied.