Behold: Proof That Oscar Isaac’s ‘Ex-Machina’ Dance Goes W/ Every Song

Poe Dameron has become a target of some very heavy-handed lust after the release of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, but Oscar Isaac has been sexy for a long, long time. 

His innate sexiness was especially on display in last year’s sci-fi thriller, ‘Ex Machina’. 
In case you didn’t see it – halfway through the film, a very seemingly displaced dance scene happens with Nathan (Oscar Isaac) and his assistant Kyoko (Sonoya Mizuno), to the tune of Oliver Cheatham‘s ‘Get Down Saturday Night’
But, some genius has now realised that this excellent dance scene is appropriate to pretty much every song that’s ever existed. Pretty much. 
And so, @OscarDances was born. 
So, please enjoy Oscar Isaac dancing to ‘Hotline Bling‘, Backstreet Boys, S Club 7, Rammstein, Sugarhill Gang, Smashmouth, and much, much more:

And of course, Da Rude’s ‘Sandstorm’:

You can see more of Isaac’s delightful booty-shakin’ here:

Source: Twitter / @oscardances.