Bargain Hunting Aussies Pour $2 Billion Into Boxing Day Sales

Australia’s answer to the increasingly violent Black Friday sales, Boxing Day, proved to be as lucrative as ever as shoppers in Australia forwent the spending-quality-time-with-loved-ones vibes in exchange for saving twenty five percent off clearance stock shoes, pouring in an estimated $2 billion into the retail industry on December 26. Great job, you guys!

The ABC reports that Boxing Day sales this year soared an impressive 5-6% over last year’s bargain shopping, with the shopping season estimated to rake in a monumental $15.1 billion in the period of December 26 – January 15. But because Boxing Day is unequivocally synonymous with food comas and the aftermath of a curious hangover that already sets itself in by 3pm on Christmas Day, the allure of not facing the mammoth queues and shopaholic crazies proved to be unrelenting, as online shoppers sniffing out a bargain on Myer‘s website did such a thorough job that the surge of users amounted in a crash of the site altogether, angering customers and causing the retailer to lose hours of precious consumption online. 

Unfortunately, no amount of percentage off the gummy Christmas confectionary found in the corners of your local Big W could ever compete with the deal struck by some lucky Delta Airways customers, who took full advantage of a technical glitch on the airline’s website, which saw flights being sold for peanuts – such as one keen shopper’s return trip to Hawaii found for $7, plus $61 in taxes. The glitch and veritable traveling goldmine unfortunately only lasted for a brief two hours; the enviably cheap flights sold during that period, according to SMH, will be honoured by Delta, instigating the indisputably greatest Boxing Day discount of all time. 

Meanwhile, in Victoria, a 27 year old mother has been arrested for leaving her 17 month old baby in her car while she was busy shopping at Doncaster. :/ 

Title image by Mark Metcalfe via Getty.