Australia Had A 12-Year-Old Prime Minister For 2 Days & Nobody Noticed

Did you know that Australia‘s 30th Prime Minister was elected when he was only 12 years old? Not many people do. 
Specifically the people who do are the people whose knowledge of the prime ministership is based solely on having looked at the Wikipedia list of PMs within the last few days.
Brisbane legend Orley Fenelon, who I assume attends school when not deftly executing sick e-pranks, craftily ousted Malcolm Turnbull and inserted himself as our leader 2 days ago, and managed to keep it that way until Canberra Times reporter Tom McIlroy noticed it today.
It obviously managed to stay up for so long because the prime minister changes so often it didn’t seem wildly unlikely, heyooo.
When asked by reporters about his brief time as Prime Minister, Fenelon said he was primarily focused on making the role more normal:
“Definitely making things a little more personal and a little more normal because if things are a lot more just everyday, instead of having a big office it would just be some guy riding to work on a bike or maybe taking the train.”

Pretty inspiring stuff. He also says he is a staunch Republican, which is pretty wild – most of my opinions when I was 12 were about Star Wars or Linkin Park.
A look at his twitter account also shows he’s a fan of livetweeting Q&A, which is a sure sign that someone is politically engaged or insane or both.
Hopefully he doesn’t let the fame go to his head.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald.