Aussie Entrepreneur Goes HAM On State Of The Nation In Facebook Rant

There’s nothing quite like a bit of distance to put into perspective the current state of fuckedupery in Australia
Two years after relocating from Sydney‘s Bondi to San Francisco, Aussie techtrepreneur Nick Holmes à Court – founder of successful start-ups BuzzNumbers and GoodCall – has thrown significant shade at the state of our nation in a Facebook rank that’s been shared more than 2,500 times.
The uni drop-out took aim at the everything from the government, to Sydney’s lockout laws, to the property industry, to internet censorship, to the fact that you can’t buy wine after 10pm in far too many places for it to be ok. 
Nick, who’s related to one of Australia’s richest women Janet Holmes à Court, made some choice statements:
“Can anyone explain to me WTF is going on in Australia… In the 2 years since we left Sydney, institutions like Hugos have closed, Gowings has opened, and you cant buy wine after 10pm or enter a nightclub after 1am (hint, the purpose of a nightclub is in the name). 

We as the people, have sat back and snoozed whilst the govt passed Orwellian internet censorship laws, and we will probably snooze again as we pass the TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership]. But no one in Australia gives a fuck. The lucky country? More like the lazy country.”
Here’s the rant in its all its glorious glory: 

Can anyone explain to me WTF is going on in Australia… In the 2 years since we left Sydney, institutions like Hugos…

Posted by Nick Holmes à Court on Saturday, August 8, 2015

Something to think about in the wake of PM Tone‘s successful push to suppress a conscience vote on the bill to legalise same-sex marriage. 

Via Facebook.