Aussie Actor ‘Dies’ In Sea Shepherd’s Harrowing Anti-Whaling Ad

It starts innocently enough, but this anti-whaling ad from activist group Sea Shepherd rapidly descends into one of the most confronting yet straight up 100% powerful ads we’ve seen in a long, long time. It’s the #UltimateDeathScene, and it’s heartbreaking.

God knows if this would get the A-OK for airing on commercial television, but the combined powers of YouTube + internet media should get this thing viewed far and wide. 

That’s world renowned Aussie actor David Field (Chopper, Two Hands) playing the part of the hunted whale. Do they give awards for actors in commercials? Can they?

“The whaling industry claim that a whale dies within minutes,” the voiceover says. “The truth is, most victims are caught in a traumatic and violent death that can take over an hour. If this cruel and cold-blooded death were to happen to humans, the perpetrators would be jailed immediately.”

Sea Shepherd has a call out: you can text SAVE to 0477 333 888 to donate $5 (AUD), or visit