Apple Earns Another Billion Dollars From Samsung Lawsuit

Earlier this week Apple were declared the most valuable company ever based on stock market value, cashing in at six-hundred and twenty-four billion Ashton Kutchers. Add to that another $1.05 billion that Apple just won over tech rival Samsung in a highly contentious patent dispute law suit and Apple now have the makings of a pretty cushy retirement fund, the downpayment on a comfortable apartment or the ability to, I don’t know, solve all the problems.

After three days of federal court deliberation, Samsung have been ordered to pay Apple Inc. $1,049, 393,540 in damages after the Cupertino-based software company sued the Korean electronics company for copying the designs of its iPhone and iPad tablets in April last year. That caused Samsung to counter-sue Apple, saying they had infringed on their wireless communication and camera phone patents. Both tech ventures were sent to their rooms without dinner before a jury determined Samsung were at fault.

Both companies have issued statements, with Apple saying “The lawsuits between Apple and Samsung were about much more than patents or money. They were about values. At Apple, we value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth. We make these products to delight our customers, not for our competitors to flagrantly copy.” Samsung responded “It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners.

Meanwhile, Microsoft issued a statement but no one heard it.

Via Forbes

Photo by Damien Myer for AFP via Getty Images