ABC Reporter Plays Ultimate Chill While Live-Crossing To ‘Black Books’ Highlight

Spare a thought for the valiant on-air reporters who heroically bring us news live on the daily. For they willingly stride into the thunder-dome of journalism every morning: smearing war stripes across their cheeks, reciting red-leather-yellow-leather under their breath to exercise their oral dexterity when names like Annastacia Palaszczuk pop up on the autocue, and praying to the news-based Gods for seamless live-crosses, for perfect scripts.
When presented with an on-air fuck up (and we’ve seen so freaking bloody many of them), reporters have an uncanny ability to play it chill; nobody, however is quite as practiced in the art as ABC’s Michael Rowland, who yesterday broadcast his iron-clad nerves to the nation after mistakenly crossing to Bernard Black doing his taxes, in place of decorated Australian knight Sir Angus Houston

Ron Burgundy…? He is not.

A God amongst reporters. 

Watch below.