The ABC Has Copped A Formal Complaint After A Reporter Interrupted A Minute’s Silence Yesterday

abc edith bevin

The ABC has reportedly received an official complaint after a reporter in Tasmania interrupted the minute’s silence at Tuesday’s Invasion Day rally.

ABC reporter Edith Bevin interrupted the minute of silence to perform a live cross, in which she discussed the huge turnout to the event before being cut off by a woman asking “how dare you?”

The footage has since gone viral on social media, with people calling the decision insensitive and offensive.

“Behind me now, they’re engaged in a minute’s silence,” she said, acknowledging the fact that everyone else was silent.

Despite the passerby making it clear that the live-cross was inappropriate, the segment continued, with what looks to be a cameraman trying to move the woman away.

“Excuse me, don’t touch me,” she replied.

This all took place while the live-cross was continuing until it was cut off with news anchor Ros Child asserting that they’ll “perhaps go back to Edith when the minute’s silence has been completed.”

Following the incident, at least one complaint has reportedly been made to the ABC, in which great disappointment is expressed.

“I’m writing in to express my deep sadness and concern at the action of your staff today at the Hobart Invasion Day rally,” the official complaint reads. “ … Mid minute of silence, Edith chose to start reporting her prepared script.”

“Once the silence had concluded and the speeches started again, a lady confronted Edith about her poor choice and timing. The cameraman came forward and tried to shove the lady out of the way to try and keep filming.”

According to the complaint reportedly lodged with the ABC, no apology was made by any of the team on-site.

“ … No apology was given to the people who called out this action by either the reporter, cameraman, or producer,” the letter reads.

“I would like to know how such a respected news outlet as ABC lets producers and news teams make such deeply disrespectful and insensitive decisions. Would any member of your team start their talk to camera during the minute of silence for Remembrance Day?”

Many Australians have since flocked to Twitter to demand that the ABC, and Bevin specifically, apologise for the timing of the segment.

PEDESTRIAN.TV has reached out to the ABC for comment.